Shoreline Periodontics PC
“Dr. Toback DMD, MS of Shoreline Periodontics & Dental Implants was referred to FX Dental Design to re-design
& upgrade his practice. One of the first requests Dr. Toback made, was for our team to reuse his newly purchased waiting room seating. With that request, Laura determined that the design aesthetic we created had to include dark wood seen in the chair arms.
At Laura’s initial walkthrough meeting with Dr. Toback, the first eyesore was the extensive patient files lining the check-in wall. By relocating the large patient files to the adjacent office, they were out of site, but close at hand allowing ample room for the reception café counter. This area provides coffee, tea
& hot chocolate, giving patients time to sit and relax before their treatments. We developed the waiting room re-design to feel like a warm calming den.
Dr. Toback’s patients comment that they genuinely enjoy the relaxing wait. But the challenge was to carry the dark wood detail through to the check-in area, while introducing light maple to brighten the rest of the practice.
To create interest and provide a sense of calm, our team designed a curvilinear shaped check-in desk. The eyes can rest viewing the adjacent curved mosaic wall behind the beverage bar. Soft lines are more relaxing, and the sea-glass blue hues are reminiscent of the ocean shores nearby. This helps sooth patients’ emotions and prepare them for their procedures.
Combining warm and cool hues was key. The operatory’s warm wood finishes
& cool sea blues worked together to create a relaxing environment for dental patients. The maintenance proof wood look floors were selected for their easy cleanability
& hygienic requirements.
To tie the entire practice together, Laura selected a plush/loop carpet with blue and gold hues. One of the more difficult challenges was to integrate the dark wood finishes in the public areas, while adding a lighter wood throughout the operatories to keep them warm, yet light enough to perform dental procedures.
Dr. Toback is a clinical professor at UCONN School of Dental Medicine where he provides instructions to dental students and periodontal residents. Therefore, we incorporated a private conference room that doubles as a staff
& student teaching lab for this purpose.
To save space, we developed a
multi-purpose room to be used for new client
consultations as well as take X-Rays, when
needed. Each treatment room provided patients
with their own personal monitor, which
projected calming scenes & sounds of the ocean
or landscape to relax them prior to their
-Testimonial statement from Dr. Gregory A. Toback, D.M.D, M.S, Shoreline Periodontics
“Laura did a fantastic job of considering our vision and concerns about an office re-design.
We hoped to have a design that was unique and new, but not too modern and trendy.
We wanted something warm and comforting for a surgical practice and that is what Laura delivered. Our longtime patients absolutely love the office, and we receive compliments on a daily basis. Laura is passionate about what she does and will stop at nothing to deliver a top-notch product!”